
Please keep in mind that these are only a FEW of the available activities I can bring to your event. If there's something you or your child(ren) want that isn't listed, feel free to ask me about it, and ill bring it
Crafts:whether it be making animals and dolls with playdoh, coloring in a fuzzy poster, knotting blankets, or making our own princess crowns, ask for any craft and i will be more than happy to bring it.

Make-over: ill curl you daughters hair, and apply some pretty(don't worry, it's cheap) eyeshadow, along with a cute shade of lipstick, and she(usually these are not hes) can pose for the camera!

Wrestling: For the boys, i have an excellent play wrestling rink, with the dolls too. A favorites is John Cena. We can play!

Storybooks: I have many large, colorful books, mostly of the disney variety, with which i can sing the favorite songs, such as classics from Beauty and the Beast, and Peter Pan.

Movies:I have a large collection of kid-friendly movies, for either late at night or just for hanging out.